A client project while working at Forio.

Facebook MDT Simulation

How do we prepare managers for the new world of hybrid work teams?This was my first project while working at Forio for Facebook (now Meta) when I was brought in mid 2021.
How do we prepare managers for the new world of hybrid work teams?This was my first project while working at Forio for Facebook (now Meta) when I was brought in mid 2021.

Early Draft

Made a quick mock up of a potential simulation design for Facebook Management Team. Since we were still figuring out the right approach to what learning points we are trying to hit. Hybrid work is a new world and there’s no one set of answers to teach Managers to run they teams when they’re split across buildings, homes, and timezones.

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Started off building out screens that are useful for possible management scenarios like a Dashboard to view your team, Calendar for planning meetings, and a Video Chat screen for meetings.


A detailed view of the player NPC team members. Providing a current emotional state and some KPI details.

Final Desgin

An issue with the early prototype was a lack of gameplay direction. The notification bar provides a clear list of things that the player has to do as well as a historical list of actions taken throughout the simulation.

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In addition the dashboard has been changed to provide a map of where the players team members are located across the global, a list displaying all the NPC’s Pulse Results (a metric used internally at Meta), and an org chart.

The character bio became a popup model making it easier to access and leave across the simulation on different pages.


The chat system has been pulled from Prior Facebook simulations. By clicking on message segments players can form a message which they can send. Based on the segments chosen the model will give a positive or negative response.

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1 on 1 video calls displays the NPC’s Pulse Results and changes in real time based on the users response using the same chat system in the group chat. While group video calls requires the player to mark flags of instances negative traits and interactions during the meeting.

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